On this weeks episode of Infection – The H1Z1 PODCAST we cover the possible server wipe, Server updates, Art Wrap-ups and more.

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  • Beginner Tip: Going prone and rolling – To lay flat on the ground you can press the “Z” key. You need to have some clearing around your character to allow going prone. Once prone you can press Shift+A to go left or Shift+D to go right. One thing to keep in mind is that if someone stands too close you will be unable to stand up.
  • Advanced Tip: Viewing game assets – ps2ls is a small program that allows you to browse and extract Planetside 2 pack files and model files. Since H1Z1 and Planetside 2 use the same engine we are able to use this same tool to view assets (3D models and graphics) from H1Z1 as well.
    • When first opening this application choose “No” when asked if you want to load all *.pak files.
    • Then press the package with a plus symbol icon to select the H1Z1 asset files.
    • Test Server: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\H1Z1 Test\Resources\Assets
    • Regular Server: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\H1Z1\Resources\Assets
    • Download the application here: https://code.google.com/p/ps2ls/downloads/list